The Deepdesk SDK's UI is composed of several (React-) components. Each component is composed of one or more html elements or child components.
The components and their html elements are styled by class names and are shipped with a default styles.
The Deepdesk SDK offers a simpel interface which allows you to extend the class names with your own styling.
Each feature (eg. suggestions overlay) can take a custom styles object of which the keys are the component names.
In general each component has a root class and optionally modifier classes in the form of isFoo
(eg.: isSelected
). A component could also have child element classes, which in turn could contain modifier classes in the form of fooIsBar
(eg.: actionButtonIsPrimary
Input, Search & Dialogs
Calling deepdeskSDK.mount(...)
will inject the following into the document:
- A input tab completion component.
- The input suggestions overlay component
- Search (or "Command Palette")
- Dialogs overlay component
These styles can be customized.
Calling deepdeskSDK.renderWidget(...)
will inject the following into the document:
- A widget component.
These styles can also be customized.
Import default styles
There are several ways to include the default styles of the DeepdeskSDK.
Via JS
You can import a javascript file which injects the default styles into the head of the document:
// index.js
import "@deepdesk/deepdesk-sdk/styles";
You could also import the default styles as a CSS file:
/* my-styles.css */
@import "@deepdesk/deepdesk-sdk/styles.css";
Or, if you want more fine grained control of which css you import:
/* Input styles (TabCompletion and SuggestionsOverlay) */
/* Needed when using deepdesk.mount(...) */
@import "@deepdesk/deepdesk-sdk/input.css";
/* Search & Dialogs styles (eg: Commandpalette) */
/* Needed when using deepdesk.mount(...) */
@import "@deepdesk/deepdesk-sdk/dialogs.css";
/* Widget styles */
/* Needed when using deepdesk.renderWidget(...) */
@import "@deepdesk/deepdesk-sdk/widget.css";
All styles:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{version}/styles.css" />
Or, if you want more fine grained control of which css you import:
<!-- Input styles (TabCompletion and SuggestionsOverlay) -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{version}/input.css" />
<!-- Search & Dialogs styles (eg: Commandpalette) -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{version}/dialogs.css" />
<!-- Widget styles -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{version}/widget.css" />