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DeepdeskSDK Class


Create an instance of the DeepdeskSDK for each conversation.

new DeepdeskSDK(config: SDKConfig);
interface SDKConfig {
     * Base API URL for the Deepdesk backend,
     * e.g.
    deepdeskUrl: string;

     * Set the language for all the UI labels.
     * Note: This has no effect on the language of the suggestions!
     * Default: en-US
    locale?: 'en-US' | 'nl-NL';

     * Optional jwt token for Authorization: Bearer <...> header.
     * This is an alternative to the preferred SSO implementation.
     * Contact for how to obtain a token.
    token?: string;


Get conversation id of current conversation. Throws an error if there is no conversation loaded yet.

deepdeskSDK.conversationId(): number;


Check if a conversation is loaded.

deepdeskSDK.hasConversation(): boolean;


Check if a conversation is supported by Deepdesk. The call does not require the user to be logged in.

deepdeskSDK.isConversationSupported(sessionId: string, options: RetryOptions): Promise<boolean>;
interface RetryOptions {
     * Number of attempts in the case the conversation is not created yet via the Deepdesk webhook.
    attempts?: number;

     * Delay between attempts in miliseconds
     * Default: 1000(ms)
    retryDelay?: number;


By default the DeepdeskSDK assumes that there is a valid access_token_cookie so it doesn't deal with authentication.

Since v7.1.0 handling authentication is opt-in by using the login() method.

  • First it tries to verify if there is a valid access_token_cookie.
  • If not, it tries to refresh the cookie, hoping for a refresh token.
  • If that also fails it will render a login button. And poll untill the user is authenticated.

Note 1: If you are using the login() method. Make sure to use mount() and/or renderWidget() before waiting on login-Promise to be resolved. Otherwise the login button can't be rendered!

Note 2: The login-Promise only resolves after successful authentication and never throws.

Note 3: The polling for authentication is silently killed when an instance is unmounted.

deepdeskSDK.login(): Promise<void>;


Check if user is logged in.

deepdeskSDK.isLoggedIn(): Promise<boolean>;


Since version v10.7.0.

Login a user via SSO flow in a window popup.

If a user is already logged in, the popup will briefly show and close automaticly.

If a user is not logged in, the popup will load the login screen of the identity profider.

deepdeskSDK.loginViaPopup(): Promise<void>;

The promise resolves when the user is logged in successfully.

There are different cases where the promise is rejected:

  • When the popup is blocked by the browser: new Error('Popup blocked by browser). This often happens when the loginViaPopup is called outside a user triggered event handler.

  • When the popup is closed by the user before the user is logged in: new Error('Popup closed by user')

  • When the account's platform url is misconfigured, the popup will not be able to send messages to the DeepdeskSDK instance, resulting in a timeout: new Error('Timeout')


Get the current conversation created by the Deepdesk backend via the Deepdesk webhooks.

Optionally add polling options when you are not sure if the webhook received the message in time.

    sessionId: string,
    options?: RetryOptions
): Promise<Conversation>
interface RetryOptions {
     * Number of attempts in the case the conversation is not created yet via the Deepdesk webhook.
    attempts?: number;

     * Delay between attempts in miliseconds
     * Default: 1000(ms)
    retryDelay?: number;


Create or get and update conversation based on unique sessionId/agentId/platform signature.

Note: Only use this method when there is no backend integration possible. The preferred route is to implement the Deepdesk backend webhooks for notifying Deepdesk of new messages (thus creating the conversation in the backend) and using getConversationBySessionId in the front end to get de correct conversation.

deepdeskSDK.upsertConversation(options: UpsertConversationOptions): Promise<Conversation>;
interface UpsertConversationOptions {
     * The platform's conversation/thread/case ID.
    sessionId: string;

     * The messaging platform, e.g. 'liveengage'
    platform: string;

     * Optional client profile code, e.g. 'b2b' or 'b2c'.
     * This option is seldom required as the profile code is typically determined by the provided tags.
    profileCode?: string;

     * The platform's agent ID
    agentId: string;

     * The platform's agent name
    agentName?: string;

     * The platform's agent name used in the chat
    agentNickname?: string;

     * The platform's agent email.
     * This is used for connecting platform user to Deepdesk user.
    agentEmail?: string;

     * The conversation tags serve the purpose of distinguishing between different conversations types.
     * These tags, in turn, are utilized to determine the appropriate profile (code).
     * Tags could be agent skills, team id, chat source, channel (web chat / whatsapp / sms etc.).
    tags?: Record<string, string> | null;


Post visitor, agent or bot messages to Deepdesk.

Note: Only use this method when there is no backend integration possible. The preferred route is to implement the Deepdesk backend webhooks for notifying Deepdesk of new messages.

deepdeskSDK.postMessages(messages: ConversationMessage[]): Promise<void>;
interface ConversationMessage = {
   * The message ID.
   * This is used to deduplicate messages.
   * If a message with a provided ID already exists, the new message is ignored.
  id: string;

   * The type of entity who wrote the message.
  source: "agent" | "visitor" | "bot" | "system";

   * The message text.
  text: string;

   * The message time stamp.
   * Eg: 2023-07-25T11:43:55.308+00:00
   * Caveat: using 'Z' at the end (2023-07-25T11:43:55.308Z) will throw an error.
  time: string;

   * The platform's native author ID.
   * This could be a visitor or agent ID.
  authorId: string;

   * The message's author name.
  authorName?: string | undefined;

   * The message's author email.
  authorEmail?: string | undefined;

   * The messages tags serve the purpose of distinguishing between different conversations types.
   * These tags, in turn, are utilized to determine the appropriate profile (code).
   * Tags could be agent skills, team id, chat source, channel (web chat / whatsapp / sms etc.).
  tags: Record<string, string> | null;


Mount the suggestions overlay and / or the tab completion components on a textarea or contenteditable div.

deepdeskSDK.mount(element: HTMLElement, options?: MountOptions);
interface MountOptions {
     * Custom suggestion overlay styling
     * See: /guide/custom-styling/introduction
    customStyles?: InputOverlayCustomStyles;

     * Enable or disable text suggestions
    showTextSuggestions?: boolean;

     * Provide max. number of suggestions.
     * Default: 3 (max. 10)
    textSuggestionsCount?: number;

     * Enable or disable style suggestions.
     * Default: false
    showStyleSuggestions?: boolean;

     * Enable or disable tab completion text.
     * Default: true
    showTabCompletion?: boolean;

     * Advanced: Provide you own InputMediator class.
     * DeepdeskSDK <-> InputMediator <-> platform input
     * Default: Deepdesk's TextAreaInput or ContentEditableInput depended on mount element.
     * See: /reference/classes/input-mediator
    inputMediator?: InputMediator<HTMLElement>;

     * Automatically detect when an agent submits a message.
     * Default: false
     * Can be enabled instead of manually calling `DeepdeskSDK.notifySubmit()`.
     * Enabling this setting is discouraged, because it only works in ideal circumstances.
     * The algorithm assumes that if the textarea is cleared,
     * and it is not a result of user action (Delete, Backspace, Cut, etc.),
     * the text in the textarea must have been submitted.
    detectSubmit?: boolean;

     * Automatically detect start/continue en stop/pauze of conversation handling
     * Default: false
     * Since: v9.3.0
     * This replaces the need to programmatically call handlingTimeStart and handlingTimeStop.
     * Setting this flag to true is OK for most platforms.
     * For a more fine-grained control use handlingTimeStart and handlingTimeStop instead.
    automaticHandlingTime?: boolean;

     * By default append overlay to element.parentElement
     * Optionally append to different HTMLElement, for example `document.body`
    appendOverlayTo?: HTMLElement;

Mounting and login

Use login() after mount(). Because when a user is not logged in, and login() is called, then mount will show a login button.


deepdeskSDK.login().then(() => {
    deepdeskSDK.getConversationBySessionId('123', {
        attempts: 5,
        retryDelay: 500,
    }).catch(() => {
        console.log('Could not find conversation');

        // Cleanup other stuf like listeners and unmount:


Refresh suggestions based on the current conversation messages. Use when agent or visitor has submitted a message and Deepdesk webhook is notified. Be carefull not to refresh suggestions when the agent is already typing.

deepdeskSDK.refresh(): Promise<void>;


Start or continue timing the interaction between agent and customer. Is used to track the average handling time (AHT).

deepdeskSDK.handlingTimeStart(): void;


Stop or pause timing the interaction between agent and customer Sends an (intermediate) analytics event to Deepdesk.

deepdeskSDK.handlingTimeStop(): void;


Method to call when the agent has sent a message to the visitor. Sends an analytics event to Deepdesk.

// Call `notifySubmit` after message is successfully sent by platform,
// but before agent input element is emptied.

notifySubmit sends an analytics event to Deepdesk containing the sent text. That is why it is importent to call this method when the agent input element still contains the sent text. If for some reason the input field is already reset before calling notifySubmit, pass the sent text manually:

deepdeskSDK.notifySubmit({ text: sentText });


Listen to the DeepdeskSDK events when the agent interacts with the provided suggestions.

The function returns a callback which allows you to remove the listener. An alternative to remove a listener is to use the, listener) method.

const removeListener = deepdeskSDK.on(eventName, listener);



An agent selected a suggestion from the suggestions overlay near the agent input, from the widget or from the search bar (CMD+K).

deepdeskSDK.on('select-suggestion', (event: SelectSuggestionEvent) => void);

interface SelectSuggestionEvent {
   * The suggestion text to insert
  text: string;

   * Range of current text to be replaced.
   * New lines are counted as a single character "\n".
  replace: { start: number, end: number };

   * Suggested selection after the text is replaced.
   * New lines are counted as a single character "\n".
  selectionAfter?: { start: number, end: number };

   * Type of the suggestion
   * Since: v9.9.0
  type: 'default' | 'url' | 'template' | 'pinned-message' | '<account-custom-type>';

   * Raw access to the selected suggestion
  suggestion: TextSuggestion | URLSuggestion | PinnedMessage;


An agent selected an image by using CMD+K.

deepdeskSDK.on('select-image', (event: SelectImageEvent) => void);

interface SelectImageEvent {
   * Raw access to the selected suggestion.
  suggestion: ImageSuggestion;

interface ImageSuggestion {
  id: string;

   * Absolute url of the image.
  image: string;

   * Comma separated list of labels.
  labels: string;

   * Locale of the search result.
  locale?: string | null;

   * Owner of the resource.
  owner?: string | null;

   * Term used to search for the resource.
  searchTerm: string;

   * Analytics source type.
  source: "search-image";

   * The matched text of the source.
  sourceText: string;

   * Studio status. For DeepdeskSDK always 'ENABLED'.
  status: "ENABLED";

   * Display text.
  text: string;

   * Display title. Normally the same as `text`.
  title?: string | null;

   * Type of search result.
  type: "IMAGE";


An agent pressed ESC to restore the input value to the typed text.

deepdeskSDK.on('replace', (event: ReplaceEvent) => void);

interface ReplaceEvent {
   * The suggestion text to insert
  text: string;

   * Range of current text to be replaced.
   * New lines are counted as a single character "\n"
  replace: { start: number, end: number };


An agent pressed ESC to restore the input value to the typed text.

deepdeskSDK.on('reset', (event: ResetEvent) => void);

interface ResetEvent {
   * The suggestion text to insert
  text: string;

   * Suggested selection after the text is replaced.
   * New lines are counted as a single character "\n".
  selectionAfter: { start: number, end: number };


Remove a listener from the DeepdeskSDK.

tsx string, listener: (event: unknown) => void);

Omitting the arguments will remove all listeners.



Mount the the widget in a HTML element. It will expand to the full height and width of the targeted element.

The widget can contain url suggestions, pinned messages, etc.

deepdeskSDK.renderWidget(element: HTMLElement, options?: WidgetOptions);
interface WidgetOptions {
     * Custom widget styling
     * See: /guide/custom-styling/widget
    customStyles?: WidgetCustomStyles;

     * Enable or disable images for url suggestions and pinned messages.
     * Default: false
    showImages?: boolean;


Set visitor info, used for placeholder interpolation in the suggestions.

deepdeskSDK.setVisitorInfo(visitorInfo: VisitorInfo): void;
interface VisitorInfo {
     * Platform's visitor id
    visitorId?: string;

     * Visitor name. Visitor first name is often what you want to show in the suggestions.
    visitorName?: string;

     * Visitor e-mail
    visitorEmail?: string;

     * Visitor postal code
    visitorPostalCode?: string;

     * Visitor house number
    visitorHouseNumber?: string;

Placeholder replacements:

'{visitor_name}': visitorName,
'{postal_code}': visitorPostalCode,
'{street_number}': visitorHouseNumber,
'{house_number}': visitorHouseNumber,
'{postal_code_house_number}': `${visitorPostalCode} ${visitorHouseNumber}`,
'{postal_code_street_number}': `${visitorPostalCode} ${visitorHouseNumber}`,
'{subscription_name}': visitorName,


Set agent info, used for placeholder interpolation in the suggestions.

deepdeskSDK.setAgentInfo(agentInfo: AgentInfo): void;
interface AgentInfo {
     * Platform's agent id
    agentId?: string;

     * Agent's nickname or first name
    agentNickname?: string;

     * Agent's first name or full name
    agentName?: string;

     * Agent's e-mail address
    agentEmail?: string;

Placeholder replacements:

'{agent_name}': agentNickname,


Set a callback method that will return the conversation, synchronous or asynchronous.

The conversation returned has to be an array of objects. Each object containing a text and a source. See: PlainMessage below.

Setting this makes the conversation summary and entity detection features possible.

deepdeskSDK.setConversationQuery(callback: setConversationQueryCallback): void;
interface PlainMessage = {
  source: 'agent' | 'visitor';
  text: string;

type setConversationQueryCallback = () => Promise<PlainMessage[]> | PlainMessage[];


Returns a string that contains a summary of the current conversation.

await deepdeskSDK.getSummary();

It assumes that the method setConversationQuery has been called before the getSummary method and will throw an error when this is not the case.


Evaluate an assistant. This is a low level method that allows you to evaluate an assistant and get the result in a format of your choice. Your are probably better off using evaluateConversationAssistant instead.

  assistantCode: string,
  options?: EvaluateAssistantOptions
): Promise<EvaluationOutput | string>;
interface EvaluateAssistantOptions {
  expectFormat?: 'json-schema:cues' | 'json-schema:knowledge-assist' | 'text' | 'json-object';
  input?: Record<string, any>;
  transcript?: TranscriptOption;
  includeTags?: boolean;
  showCuesInWidget?: boolean;

 * Include transcript in evaluation
 * - 'in-memory-transcript': A transcript that is stored in memory in the browser.
 *      Needs `setConversationQuery` to be set.
 * - 'stored-transcript': A transcript that is stored (anonymized) in the backend database.
 * - 'transcript': A custom transcript.
type TranscriptOption = 'in-memory-transcript' | 'stored-transcript' | Transcript;

type Transcript = Array<{ source: 'agent' | 'visitor'; text: string }>;


Evaluate an assistant based on the conversation lifecycle.

An conversation lifecycle event is one of:

  • accepted: The conversation has been accepted by an agent.
  • new-message: A new message has been received by visitor or by the agent.
  • ended: The conversation has ended.
  event: 'accepted' | 'new-message' | 'ended',
  options?: EvaluateConversationAssistantOptions
): Promise<EvaluationOutput | string>;
interface EvaluateConversationAssistantOptions {
  input?: Record<string, any>;
  transcript?: TranscriptOption;
  includeTags?: boolean;
  showCuesInWidget?: boolean;

 * Include transcript in evaluation
 * - 'in-memory-transcript': A transcript that is stored in memory in the browser.
 *      Needs `setConversationQuery` to be set.
 * - 'stored-transcript': A transcript that is stored (anonymized) in the backend database.
 * - 'transcript': A custom transcript.
type TranscriptOption = 'in-memory-transcript' | 'stored-transcript' | Transcript;

type Transcript = Array<{ source: 'agent' | 'visitor'; text: string }>;